Wednesday, January 2, 2008

People are perfect only when they smile

These sleep-oholics. These insomnia-ophobics.
At the moment I'm trying to write my fairytale called "Pii", but I just keep getting more and more frustrated. The scenery in my story is far from your usual weird. I mean, I am writing a damn fairytale about some bloody bacterium named 3,14.
I'm a quiet-ophobic. A music-oholic.
I need some help. Today I discovered that walking without my earphones is much more fun. You react to the emotions around you. My bubble was starting to get a little too sucked-up if by any chance you know what I'm saying. However, I still couldn't get the weird smile off my face. I think my grandmother is starting to worry. She keeps telling me what an unusual child I am. I think of it as a compliment, don't ruin it for me.
Book-oholics. TV-ophobics.
Hello, I feel touched by these two words. The thing is, I've read too much during this break. I don't read the stuff I'm supposed to read. Only the strange ones with fun twists that entertain me. It's weird, but my writing style starts to resemble whichever author I'm reading at the moment. When I was younger, it was so Rowling at times. You don't have to agree. People rarely do.
I don't get them. I never like making promises and most certainly hate braking them. However, since I'm in a hopeless situation.. Me, the world's biggest promise-ophobic, promises to get up early and start doing the stuff I'm supposed to do for a change.


Anonymous said...

"walking without my earphones is much more fun. you react to the emotions around you."
oh yeah!! ^
ehkki ma liigun ikka rohkem nendega..sest nii on nagu..turvalisem?

mis su lemmikud raamatud on?

Liitium said...

Ah, tead, mingis mõttes küll. Mõnes olikorras on klapid hädavajalikud, aga liiale ei tohiks ka minna.. Nii paljust jääb tegelikult ilma. Kummaline on see, et suvalistele inimestele tänaval küll naeratad, aga kui mingi tuttav mööda läheb, siis oled tõeliselt apaatne idioot. Selle asemel, et seisma jääda, tõstan käe korraks vertikaalselt üles ja sammun edasi. Miks? Sest mul käib parasjagu kuradima hea laul. Ma lubasin endale, et kuulan muusikat ainult bussis sõites. 21. sajandil on nii raske elada.

Anything from Oscar Wilde. Kahjuks pole ma suutnud veel ingliskeelset Dorian Gray'd hankida, aga not to worry. Chuck Palahniuk on suurepärane avastus. Praegu loen "Kärbeste jumalat" (ingliskeelne) ja "žermimaali" paralleelselt.
Esmaspäeva öö kulus "Dead poets society" peale. Carpe diem! Jube hea raamat, peaks filmi ka ära vaatama.
Tegelikult on mul väga raske lemmikraamatut nimetada. Gray portree on päris pikka aega juba mind paelunud.
Ei saa mainimata jätta, et olen ka ülisuur Potteri friik.
Coelho teoseid olen ka viimasel ajal nuusutanud.
Kooli kohustuslikust kirjandusest meeldib enim "Hamlet".
Eesti kirjanikest puutusin viimati kokku Tõnu Õnnepalu "Piiririigiga". Ent tunnistan, eesti kirjanikega mul just kõige paremad suhted ei ole.
Järgmisena on plaan saada kaifi raamatust "The collector" ("Liblikapüüdja") endale haarata.
Jätan siinkohal kõik pooleli ja lähen loen parem midagi.