Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Behind me, the whole world is a mess

Ola there. I'm a little confused. "Confused" isn't the right word, but it's only decent one that pops up. Haha.
I can't take it. How can people be so boring at times?? Or is the problem me? Am I just some shallow-minded, superficial, ego maniac? I get that part they tell us that not everyone gets along with everyone. But still.. I honestly thought I would NOT write anything critical in this sweet blog o'mine, but it's just too damn diggly tempting. I can resist everything but temptation for crying out loud. (Does the abbreviation "COL" exist or am I just inventing it at this very moment?)
People tell me not to think so much. But people always tell you not to think too much. That's what people do. Lousy advice. It makes you think your smart or something. Like your ideas are worth something. The sad truth, my friends, is that none of my thoughts are original. They are combined of the people I have known, the books I've read, the lyrics that wonder around at the back of my brain. Nothing of me is special when you think of it. Normally, I wouldn't say something like this, but I'm not in the mood to think the other way around. For COL, I'm trying to be original saying that while dying with mediocrity. The joy of not thinking is quite relaxing, I imagine. Maybe people don't want you to think because they want to be better in all ways. Basic human nature, fellow homo sapiens. Cheer after cheer after cheer after cheer.
People are so cheesy at times. I should focus on more than meets the eye. Then again, I'd like to take my advice, but I just get annoyed. Some guy on cable television once said that if you point a finger at someone then three fingers are pointing back at you. I don't watch TV anymore.
Okay, back to the main subject, I keep getting so dozed off. It all comes down to priorities.. or not. Yes and no. People come from different worlds. I should take the heart to learn their worlds. I do it when I'm bored. Then it amuses me. Otherwise I get annoyed with people.
It's explainable. I mean, apart from the obvious reasons. "Don't ever tell anybody anything. (If you do, you start missing everybody.)"

I want to write something positive also before the sun rises. Yesterday was fun as hell. The best part? Having another true laugh in French. Gazing at the new yellowish toilet paper, wondering weather I've gone colorblind. Being in Russian, seeing Jelanskaja again and listening to her jokes (although I think she doesn't do them on purpose), i.e. "were you alone during New Year's?". Bumping into Kristiina on accident, finding out what she has been up to. Having the illusion that every tenth person who passes me is Britta, eventually bumping into the real Britta. Discussing mind-blowing topics with Kelli. Hiding Kaku's shoes. Not being tired. Enjoying the silence. Being human. I'll stop know because I can't possibly express how I feel with just some stupid words on a flickering screen.
I made three decisions yesterday: chemistry exam, Kurgjärve, Paris. Good luck to me. Cheer after cheer after cheer after cheer.


Anonymous said...

dude, sa mõtlesid praegu midagi täpselt nii nagu mina..
ma muidugi ei mäleta enam, mida, sest.. noh, ma olen ju kõigest inimene :(

muide..kui ma ütleksin, et sinu blogi lugedes oleksin ma nagu pead pidi raamatus, mis on koostatud, et panna lugeja kirjutist sellise "omg, this is so right!!!11oneone!" suhtumisega ülistama, siis..damn, mul kadus mõte ära..

ja ilma ühegi aruka kommentaarita ma vist praegu lõpetangi.. aga ära sina seda tee. MITTE KUNAGI. 60selt tulen ka siia ja loen su blogindust, mida sa veelgi usinamini kirjutad, eks? :)

jõudu ja jaksu ja vähe liigesevalu!

Liitium said...

Ma hakkasin just seda sissekannet kustutama, aga siis ma avastasin, et mul on üks fänn!11 Oh jee.
Tegelikult on äärmiselt lapsik ja labane mõelda, et teine inimene on labane. Selline mõtteviis näitab ainult seda, et inimene, kes teisele näpuga näitab, on labasus ise. Põnev inimene suudab Igava inimese põnevaks muuta. Aga ma kahtlen, kas Põnev inimene üksi suudab mitu Igavat inimest põnevamaks muuta.
Kõige hullem on see, kui Põnev inimene apaatseks muutub. Ja siis kõik ongi ükskõik, kes.

Tänan, fastumgeel ehk aitab. (Mu ema pesi ükskord sellega hambaid, aga ma ei tohiks seda mainida.)

Anonymous said...

*kahjurõõmus naer su ema pihta*
kuidas maitses?

ma ei ole õel

Liitium said...

Kuidagi.. libe ehk :D