Saturday, May 10, 2008

Why and how are all these stupid people breeding?

It's not my fault that God is in crises. Fuck him, he's Oprah.

Trying to make up a post that makes sense. But every thought in my bleeding heart seems to fall apart. At least I have a tourniquet to stop the bleeding.
I have good news at last - I'm not so hopeless at writing essays in Estonian than I thought. My first 6 hour essay didn't go that bad at all to my huge amazement. 76 points with my teacher is a hell of a good result, considering the shit I shot in every thinkable direction which made no sense whatsoever. And media whore isn't even my subject.
I'm so lucky to attend this hell they call an education institution located on Education Street. I mean, the random 12th grade students whom I've talked to.. well, I'm speechless.
"Which one is your subject to write about?"
"I don't know, I can write of everything."
"How did the essay go?"
"Oh, it went excellent. I finished 3 hours earlier."
I have no words. Maybe one "what's wrong with the world, mama?" would be acquired. I mean, if you don't work, you don't sleep. I feel sorry for lazy people.
My, oh my. I don't want to sound like a snob. Just that kind of attitude frustrates me. Education is the only thing in life no one can take away.

I'm getting stronger with every day. It's nice to be back. And the best thing? I can at last write an article for English as long as I want.